October 12, 2010

Ladies Goodreads: Tuesdays With Morrie

Mitch Albom

Goodreads rating: 3.87 of 5
Mitch Albom rediscovered Morrie Schwartz, his college professor from nearly 20 years ago, in the last months of the older man's life. Knowing he was dying, Morrie visited Mitch in his study every Tuesday, just as they used to back in college. Their rekindled relationship turned into one final "class": lessons in how to live.

What are your thoughts and feelings about this book?
Is there someone you can rediscover and learn from?


  1. Your blog looks great! Nice work ladies! The reading list for the year looks really fun, I might have to follow along. I loved this book, very inspiring. I have his other book....The Five People You Meet in Heaven, I haven't read it though. I might have to read it this month, thanks for the reminder!

  2. I began this book expecting to be disinterested at best. I would much prefer an action novel with a little history, technical or medical input (so I still feel like I'm learning something :O). My initial impression after reading about 1/4th of the book was that it was very depressing. However, by the end of the book I felt differently. I found it provoked questions and evaluation of my own life and situation. It even made me cry toward the end which is unusual for me. Thanks Reese for this book suggestion!

  3. Tuesdays with Morrie was a thought provoking, inspirational story about a Professor who is diagnosed with ALS and even with his illness, he still continues to teach a previous student of his all about LIFE and what's most important to make one truly happy. Normally I'm not a fan of self-help books, but because it is in story-form, it was a much easier book to read and enjoy. We all have to deal with people throughout our lives, and yet many if not all of us need help in improving our communication with our human relationships. By reading AND implementing the teachings of Morrie in our own lives, we can make the most of the time we have left on earth. Isn't that the whole purpose of being here? Thanks to Mitch Albom for sharing his touching story!

  4. Similar to Charyl, I wasn't super excited to read this book for fear it's be slow. However, thanks to book on CD, I was able to listen to it and rather enjoyed hearing the dialogue of the reader and the raspy voiced Morrie--it kind of made Morrie come to life a little for me, since I could hear his voice get worse as I got further along in the recording.

    Overall, Morrie says, "Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live." He feels that life is fleeting to the majority of us who rush around from non-essential task to another and don't pay attention to the simple pleasures and meaningful relationships. Here are a few words of wisdom I gleaned from Morrie that I think we'd all do well to think about...

    Make room for spiritual things.

    Most important thing is to learn how to give and receive love.

    Important to be devoted to something and to give to your community. Satisfaction comes from offering what you have.

    No secure ground on which to stand today if you don’t have family. Love each other or perish.

    I allow a few minutes of worry each day…but no more.

    Learn to detach yourself. If you don’t fully invest, leaving fear behind, then you’ll never understand your emotions enough to detach yourself from the painful ones. Recognize what and how you feel, so you can let go.

    Find out who you are and revel in it. Find meaning in each stage—there’s no need to feel envy or unsatisfied.

    Know what you really need vs. want.

    Be with the person you are with (when in a conversation). Really listen to them, fully.
