July 17, 2013

Improve Eye sight?

The Eye Care Revolution, by Robert Abel

So I came across this book in the library because I wanted to find out how I can help my eyes from progressively getting worse. I believe that glasses are a crutch and don't help correct my eyes (I know Chantel agrees with this too; hence she was always stubborn with contacts--correct me if I'm wrong).

The book was interesting in understanding this theory, but rather boring for all the other details. I skimmed it fast enough to catch his view of things, which I will explain in a bit....

Anyway, so a few months ago I started wearing my glasses/contacts less often (say if I knew I was staying home most of the day). And I'd try some few eye exercises, like staring at an object 10 feet away for 10 seconds every 10 minutes or so after being on the computer (since I'm normally on for an hour or so when I'm on during baby nap time...and I'm sure that's why my eye sight went bad in the first place, since I did that and was in bad lighting all the time in high school when it worsened).

Another exercise it to cover your eyes with your hand every once in awhile and just close your eyes an let them adjust. Basically these give your eyes a chance to come back to "home base" or how they typically should focus. It's a reminder. So just remember to do it frequently during the day, esp when you're staring at the same thing for long periods (like books or computer screens).

I'm not sure if it's helping tremendously or not, but I enjoy understanding that my eyes need breaks, and I like being aware of how to do that, regardless of an immediate outcome or not.

Anyway, the author of this book tells us how he uses iridology in his eye practice to cure people and has had great success. His approach is to find out what health problems the people have (by looking at the map of the eye, whih is a representation of the body). Then he knows which vitamins and minerals can help those affected bodily areas to supplement their eye health with nutritional improvements.  I find it a fascinating and balanced life approach, rather than just fixing the eye alone.

see the iridology chart in my other post

Since reading this book, I have met another man who claims to have helped 200 people improve their eye sight by doing exercises and eating lots of carrots. His name is Don Tolman and he has a website if you are interested. But here are some types of exercises I've found online in case anyone wants to try. It takes dedication though. I rarely get farther than four days doing some--so hard to be consistent. But I do believe if my eyes are just weak a little, that I can strengthen the muscles a bit by understanding the eye and by "weight lifting" those muscles (which isn't real weight lifting...just the following exercises). 
This is a great way to relax the eyes and muscles around them.
  1. Sit comfortable on a chair. Rub your hands together until they feel warm.
  2. Close the eyes and cover them lightly with your cupped palms. Avoid applying pressure on your eye balls. Place the palm so that the nose remains uncovered, and the eyes remain behind the slight hollow of the palms.
  3. Make sure that no light rays enter the eyes, and leave no gaps between fingers or between the edge of the palms and the nose.
  4. You may still see other lingering traces of colors. Imagine deep blackness and focus on the blackness.
  5. Take deep breaths slowly and evenly, think of some happy incident; or visualize a distant scene.
  6. Do the exercise for at least three minutes.

The following eye patterns are designed to strengthen the muscles of the eyes in a mobilizing way. As you do each one, remember to keep breathing. Also, relax the face—no need for extra tension. Do each one 8 – 10 times.
  1. Side to Side: Move the eyes right and left so that you are seeing as far to one side as possible without tension. Really see the horizon as you pass from one side to the other.
  2. Up and Down: Similar to the side to side motion—remember to keep the face relaxed and allow the environment to come to your eyes rather than reaching your eyes out to the environment.
  3. Diagonals: Work the eyes from right/high to left/low and then left/high to right/low.
  4. Circles: Working the eyes in circular pathways helps integrate all the muscles together so they function synergistically. Don’t rush, and notice any places in the circle where you tend to “skip.”
  5. Figure 8’s: Similar to the circular action—try to make the pathways as smooth and relaxed as possible.
  6. Near and Far:  I enjoy doing this one by a window or outside. Play back and forth…focusing on objects near and then seeing how far out in the distance you can see.  This is especially useful for people who are in front of a computer all day long.  If you don’t have a window near your computer, make sure you take breaks every now and then so your eyes can focus on more distant scenes—which allows your eyes to relax.
**exercises from http://thankyourbody.com/improve-your-eyesight-naturally/

This video helps explain much more in detail: (be prepared...it's long, but even if you just watch the first half, that is all you need. The second half may seem a little too far-out)

Tibetan Eye Circle: exercise he mentions for helping eye muscles exercise to correct astigmatism

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